The chip in the football, the television cameras to watch the additional line of door and wills on the bottom line. The arguments are these that the Ifab, the organ caretaker of the regulations of soccer, will discuss tomorrow in the center of the Fifa to Zurigo. The International Board will discuss the possible solutions, technological or human, in order to guarantee an aid to the wills. The Fifa is traditionally contrary to the use of modern equipment but it seems at least disposed to examine the argument. Joseph Blatter, president of the federcalcio world-wide, extension a partial opening: “To pact – it has said recently – that the system functions to 100% and gives turned out expresses”. The Ifab, created in 1886, comprises the federations of England, Scozia, Galle s and Ireland. The Fifa is represented also, that it has 4 ballots in the assembly. In order to approve of a norm, it serves a majority of three quarters: 6 ballots on 8. The prescribed innovationes generally enter in vigor from 1° the July: obviously, they would not regard the World-wide ones in program in Sudafrica between june and July.