When the things do not go, there are always of the valid reasons. The crisis of the Juventus does not make exception. From the society to the square we have passed i to Beams X the Old Mrs. and, the response, is rather worrisome…
SOCIETY WHAT DOES NOT GO – Unfortunately the situation, from this point of view, is from putting the hands in hats. The summery choices of the bianconera society are not carrying the fruits hope to you. Felipe Melo and Diego is not repaying of the economic efforts made in order to carry them to Turin. Probably it would have been more useful to try a defender of great quality, inasmuch as the good Cannavaro some uncertainty is showing it. WHAT GOES -Little -, indeed least. The decision to recall a bianconero man as Bettega has not been at all badly. In this way, a appearance of “Juventus style” is review. In reality also heading at the young people is one chosen to applaud, sin that turns out is not those hopes to you to you. TRAINER WHAT DOES NOT GO – Ferrara is an exceptional man. And’ always ready to the dialogue and she does not pull herself never behind in front of the responsibilities but, probably, great square like the Juventus is not still ready in order to manage one. The amletici doubts on the module to adopt, the continuous changes of formation in course. The impression is that it is not successful to giving an identity to the square. The escape from the Champions League has removed it the smile and a little confidence in own means. WHAT GOES – Like when it played, Ferrara is one that not motivating force. In many they would have already thrown the sponge while it continues to take the sberle in face. And then, it had to recover Diego and some accident mentally, could also succeed in the miracle to straighten the shack, always that it is still granted to it of the time. DEFENSE WHAT DOES NOT GO – the rear package always has been the point of force of the Juventus. Today, instead, the bianconera defense is a strainer. They are very the 26 nets endured from the Juventus of Ferrara, solo in less last Bologna terz’ in classifies and + 7 regarding Inter and Milan. Numbers worrisome that they confirm as the pair Chiellini-Cannavaro does not give guarantees as it was hoped. On the inactive balls, as an example, often dangers for Buffon arrive and the not perfect cover of the centrocampo, grants too much shooting from the long distance (sees goal of Sardinian of the Chievo). Large, moreover skillful in attack, often it is a lusso for the defense that goes in breathlessness. WHAT GOES – Chiellini is a gladiatore and is also much critic with if same. More responsibility is learning to take itself still and this would have to render also the job of Cannavaro simpler. Zebina could become one solution to experiment with more continuity, therefore like Salihamidzic.